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Prevođenje - Engleski-Norveški - The work is a tryptich dedicated to ...

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The work is a tryptich dedicated to ...
Poslao Francky5591
Izvorni jezik: Engleski

The work is a triptych dedicated to the three Italian composers Luciano Berio, Bruno Maderna and Franco Donatoni.
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Verket er et triptyk dedisert til..

Preveo Polio1
Ciljni jezik: Norveški

Verket er et triptyk dedisert til tre italienske komponister: Luciano Berio, Bruno Maderna og Franco Donatoni.
Hege odbio - 17 listopad 2012 19:14

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16 listopad 2012 17:37

Broj poruka: 51
It might just be in Norwegian, but I think this should be "dediseret" rather than "dedikeret." I may be wrong.

17 listopad 2012 01:28

Broj poruka: 4611
It is in Norwegian and it is "dedikert", almost sure.

Please Hege, can you help here?

Sorry to pop in put I think we need our Norwegian expert here, as I am not native and you are not sure.

CC: Hege

17 listopad 2012 18:33

Broj poruka: 51
I know in Norwegian at least "dedikert" means a work is *about* something, while "dedisert" means that it isn't about it, but rather credit is given to the it. A book may be "dedisert" to a person, while the Harry Potter books are "dedikert" to Harry Potter.

17 listopad 2012 19:08

Broj poruka: 158
Polio1 you are right.

But english sentence should still be:

The piece is a triptych dedicated to the three Italian composers Luciano Berio, Bruno Maderna and Franco Donatoni.

Because the word "dedisere" is in the norwegian language, but "dedisert" is NOT in the norwegian language.
Because of this, in this sentence when something is ment to "dedisere" someone.. we have to use dedicated.
Dedisere is from german orign. dedicate is english orign. But it all goes back to the latin word dedicare...