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Traducerea - Greacă-Engleză - Μου εχεις λειψει... Μου εχει λειψει η καλη εποχη...

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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Μου εχεις λειψει... Μου εχει λειψει η καλη εποχη...
Înscris de khalili
Limba sursă: Greacă

Μου εχεις λειψει... Μου εχει λειψει η καλη εποχη στην αξες
Οπως ημασταν... Τα ωραια τελειωνουν ομως... Κ τα ασχημα διαρκουν πολυ πια.

I've missed you.

Tradus de User10
Limba ţintă: Engleză

I've missed you. I've missed the good times in "Access"...the way we were. But all good things come to an end...and bad things last long nowadays.
Validat sau editat ultima dată de către lilian canale - 28 Octombrie 2012 15:21

Ultimele mesaje


23 Octombrie 2012 10:13

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 93
Hi! I think that the use of "the" before "good and bad things" is not appropriate...other than that, the translation is fine!