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Translation - Polish-English - Witamy serdecznie i dziekujemy ze poswieciliscie...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: Polish

Category Daily life - Culture

This translation request is "Meaning only".
Witamy serdecznie i dziekujemy ze poswieciliscie...
Submitted by Hanaba
Source language: Polish

Witamy serdecznie i dziekujemy ze poswieciliscie swoj czas na obejrzenie naszych prac. Jestesmy poczatkujacymi ludzmi w temacie szycia strojow i modelingu ale kochamy to robic i mamy zamiar stawac sie z czasem coraz lepsi w dziedzinie cosplayu. Za jakis czas pojawimy sie z nowymi pracami nad ktorymi myslimy i rowniez obecnie pracujemy. Beda tez projekty ktore chcemy robic razem.
Remarks about the translation
Nie znam dobrze jezyka polskiego i byloby mi niezmiernie milo jakby ktos zechcial pomoc mi w tlumaczeniu jeszcze wiekszej ilosci tekstu bo zalezy mi na tym bardzo.

Warning, this translation has not been yet evaluated by an expert, it might be wrong!
Welcome and thank you for taking ...

Translated by femaverick
Target language: English

Welcome and thank you for taking their time to watch our work . You're a beginning mortals in the subject sewing costumes and modeling but we love to do this and we intend to become over time more and better in the field of cosplay . For some time we will turn with the new work on which we think and also currently working on. They will also projects which we want to do together.
4 September 2016 13:52