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Prevođenje - Francuski-Engleski - C'est toujours mieux ......

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: NjemačkiFrancuskiEngleskiŠpanjolski

Kategorija Pjesništvo

C'est toujours mieux ......
Poslao Minny
Izvorni jezik: Francuski Preveo gamine

C'est toujours mieux
d'être seule sans compagnie,
que d'être seuls à deux.

Un rire
prolonge la vie
L'amour la rend éternelle.

Ne crois pas tout ce que tu vois. Il n'est pas certain que tu vois tout.
Primjedbe o prijevodu
"d'être seul" si masculin.

Traži se visoka kvalitetaEngleski

Preveo Tantine
Ciljni jezik: Engleski

It is always better to be alone, with no one by one's side, than to be alone in a couple

A laugh lengthens life, love makes it eternal

Don't believe all that you see. It is not certain that you see all.
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio lilian canale - 13 listopad 2008 05:00

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10 listopad 2008 18:11

Broj poruka: 3389
Hi Maik,

It looks like you're trying to translate this text.
To translate, don't use the message field - hit the blue 'translation' button instead!

Except that this translation can only be done by an English expert so you and I don't see the 'translate' button.

Better luck next time!

11 listopad 2008 18:57

Broj poruka: 55
I do not understand, why do I receive an e-mail asking me to translate this text if I am not allowed to do the translation :o( . I mean, I am not complainig that it can only be done by an expert, but why do I receive an inquiry when I am not an expert ... whatsoever I just wanted to help, maybe next time.