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Texte d'origine - Turc - İlk ve tek aşkım..hala sana aşık olduğumu bilmek...

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Catégorie Phrase - Amour / Amitié

İlk ve tek aşkım..hala sana aşık olduğumu bilmek...
Texte à traduire
Proposé par sirinler
Langue de départ: Turc

İlk ve tek aşkım..Hala sana aşık olduğumu bilmek içimi acıtıyor....sen ise bir başkasına davrandığın gibi davranıyorsun bana..yine de seni çok seviyorum aşkım..
Commentaires pour la traduction
19 Février 2008 18:03

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19 Février 2008 19:02

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Smy? 65 points for this one.

CC: smy

19 Février 2008 19:25

Nombre de messages: 2481
here is the bridge :
"my first and only hurts me knowing that I'm still in love with you....but you behave me as you behave anybody else.. still, I love you so much my love.."

CC: lilian canale

19 Février 2008 19:41

Nombre de messages: 2481
sorry lilian ca., I think "treat" is a better choice , so it will be:
"my first and only hurts me knowing that I'm still in love with you....but you are treating me the way you treat any other person.. still, I love you so much my love.."

that's better I think

CC: lilian canale