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10Vertaling - Turks-Iers - selam aşkım

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Aangevraagde vertalingen: Turks

Categorie Chat - Liefde/Vriendschap

selam aşkım
Opgestuurd door blue_king
Uitgangs-taal: Turks

selam aşkım
Details voor de vertaling
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Haigh a stór

Vertaald door Ronan
Doel-taal: Iers

Haigh a stór
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door cucumis - 8 december 2005 20:56

Laatste bericht


20 augustus 2006 12:02

Aantal berichten: 49
More common Irish word for hello (to one person) is Dia dhuit [DEE-a GWIT], while haigh is more something like 'hey' in English.
For "my love" there are a lot of possible translations (that of course the same in other languages).
Litteraly my love is translated a ghrá [ah ghraw], but a stór [ah sthohr] is also good and can be translated as my treasure, darling.
Other translation:
mo mhuirnín [Muh whurneen/vurneen] - my sweetheart, darling
a chroí - my heart
a rún - my secret
mo céadsearc - my sweetheart (lit. hundred heart)
a ghrá mo chroí - love of my heart