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Traducerea - Engleză-Japoneză - I’ve been kept out of the loop. They’re going...

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Categorie Propoziţie - Afaceri/Locuri de muncă

I’ve been kept out of the loop. They’re going...
Înscris de aki722m
Limba sursă: Engleză

I’ve been kept out of the loop. They’re going with someone else for the new project.

Atenţie, această traducere nu a fost încă evaluată de un expert şi ar putea fi greşită!

Tradus de Math2015
Limba ţintă: Japoneză

Observaţii despre traducere
I assumed the following scenario: Someone asked you about the new project, but you have been doing another job (or something). So you said "I'm out of the topic, and I won't join that project." I hope my understanding is correct.
27 Mai 2015 09:35