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Testo originale - Ungherese - Mi a tudvágyat szakhoz nem kötõk, Átpillantását...

Stato attualeTesto originale
Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: Ungherese

Categoria Letteratura

Mi a tudvágyat szakhoz nem kötõk, Átpillantását...
Aggiunto da ghasemkiani
Lingua originale: Ungherese

Mi a tudvágyat szakhoz nem kötõk,
Átpillantását vágyuk az egésznek.

Imre Madách
Note sulla traduzione
US or UK English, please.
13 Maggio 2016 05:34

Ultimi messaggi


10 Giugno 2016 13:51

Numero di messaggi: 175
I did some googling and this is apparently from "The Tragedy of Man", a dramatic poem by Imre Madách (1861).

The English translation by William N. Loew is available at:

So, the translation of this verse seems to be like this:

Our thirst for learning never has been bound
To one branch only, but have pleasure found
The whole field to view we long for all.

However, I would be grateful if someone, preferably with Hungarian as their native language, provides a reliable translation for this.