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Traduzione - Inglese-Afrikaans - [b] does not accept ...

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[b] does not accept ...
Aggiunto da Francky5591
Lingua originale: Inglese

[b] does not accept texts written in CAPS anymore.
To have your request accepted, please click on "Edit" and write your text in lower case. Otherwise it will be removed.

[b] aanvaar nie meer ...

Tradotto da evisser008
Lingua di destinazione: Afrikaans

[b] aanvaar nie meer teks wat in HOOFLETTERS geskryf is nie.
Om jou versoek aanvaarbaar te maak, klik asseblief op "Redigeer" en skryf jou teks in kleinletters. Andersins sal dit verwyder word.
Ultima convalida o modifica di gbernsdorff - 20 Novembre 2009 17:03

Ultimi messaggi


20 Novembre 2009 17:02

Numero di messaggi: 240
Re your remark: [quote] "geskryf" could possibly be replaced with "getik", which better supports the meaning of the sentence. [unquote]
I would agree that getik/typed is more specific than geskryf/written. However, as far as I can judge, only the French translator has opted for 'le mot juste'. (He would, wouldn't he? ) The Swedish, Norwegian, Faroese, Dutch, Portuguese, Danish, Italian, Spanish and German texts are sticking to the equivalent of *written*. To be in keeping, I have accepted your translation with "geskryf".