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14Traduction - Bulgare-Anglais - Ценоразпис за организиран ловен туризъм в...

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Catégorie Argent/ Travail

Ценоразпис за организиран ловен туризъм в...
Proposé par kafetzou
Langue de départ: Bulgare

Ценоразпис за организиран ловен туризъм в държавните дивечовъдни станции в държавните лесничейства през 2008г.
Commentaires pour la traduction
Bu bir bildirge aşlığıdır

Organized hunting

Traduit par ViaLuminosa
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Organized hunting in the Game Breeding Stations, State Forestry, 2008: Price List
Commentaires pour la traduction
Organized hunting tourism in the Game Breeding Stations, State Forestry, 2008: Price List
Dernière édition ou validation par kafetzou - 2 Février 2008 01:40

Derniers messages


30 Janvier 2008 08:28

Nombre de messages: 1116
In no way could it be "tourist hunting", cause it has entirely different meaning than targeted. There are 275,000 pages in Google with the phrase "hunting tourism", but I accept it could be incorrect in English after all... Hence it seems most appropriate to exclude "tourist" at all.

1 Février 2008 10:37

Nombre de messages: 972

Shouldn't this have already been validated?

CC: kafetzou

1 Février 2008 11:22

Nombre de messages: 1116
I think so...

2 Février 2008 01:39

Nombre de messages: 7963
Tourist hunting sounds ridiculous in English - it sounds like people are hunting tourists! But hunting tourism is perfectly acceptable.

I don't know why you said what you said above, dramati.