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10Vertaling - Engels-Oekraïens - I need the opinion of the community

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Aangevraagde vertalingen: Nepalees

I need the opinion of the community
Opgestuurd door cucumis
Uitgangs-taal: Engels

The linguistic form of the translation is fine but I need the opinion of the community to be sure that the meaning is right.


Vertaald door Yume
Doel-taal: Oekraïens

Лінгвістична форма цього перекладу чудова, але мені хотілося б вислухати думку спільноти, аби переконатися, що значення вірне
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door cucumis - 19 september 2007 18:17

Laatste bericht


26 november 2008 12:30

Aantal berichten: 14
It's seems i didnt catch something with Yume translations 2nd time per day.
The head of the original text is 'I need the opinion of the community' what should be translated as 'мені потрібна точка зору спільноти'
The head of the Yume translation is written in Russian 'переведен' and means 'translated'.

26 november 2008 13:35

Aantal berichten: 8113
Hello ramarren,
here is another one for you today. Thanks in advance!

CC: ramarren

26 november 2008 15:24

Aantal berichten: 291
As for the translation, it's OK. As to the header, I think somebody marks all headers as "Has been translated", and hence the meaning of a header does not touches a text at all o_O