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Tłumaczenie - Angielski-Holenderski - Duplicated-indexes-upload

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Kategoria Strona internetowa / Blog / Forum - Komputery/ Internet

Wprowadzone przez cucumis
Język źródłowy: Angielski

Warning, there are 2 duplicated indexes of [1]upload items[/1] on line %l1 and line %l2
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
Upload items are a sound or an illustration. They are integrated in the wiki article and can be recorded/edited by the visitor. Each upload item is identified by a number (called the "index"). When editing a wiki article, if one of the indexes appears twice, it will be replaced by the same soudn or illustration. Usually it's not what we want to do, that's way we must display a warning.

Duplicaat - index- upload

Tłumaczone przez malibu001
Język docelowy: Holenderski

Waarschuwing, er zijn al [1]upload items[/1] met dezelfde index op regel %l1 en regel %l2
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
translated to : Warning there is allready such an item with the same name, on line.. etc...
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez cucumis - 8 Styczeń 2006 20:04

Ostatni Post


6 Styczeń 2006 13:44

Liczba postów: 3785
I made some changes, I add "upload items", is it still fluent dutch?
You translated "index" by "name" but i(d not teh exact meaning, could you edit teh translation and replace "same name" by "same index"?

6 Styczeń 2006 22:50

Liczba postów: 3
yes, i thought it was a sort of name wich was two times in the same list or something like thet.. it is still correct dutch if you change it as you wrote...
like name replaced by index & upload items...

7 Styczeń 2006 16:49

Liczba postów: 3785