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187Textul original - Germană - Mein Schatz ich liebe dich überalles

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Mein Schatz ich liebe dich überalles
Text de tradus
Înscris de jacky_aka_BabyDeluxe
Limba sursă: Germană

Mein Schatz ich liebe dich überalles
7 Ianuarie 2008 19:59

Ultimele mesaje


16 August 2008 21:12

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 1

17 August 2008 06:33

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 28
One question: The asker wants the translation into Yidisch with the hebrew alphabet, or he wants it in the latin letters?

17 August 2008 12:51

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 4611
COUCOU Francky . Ne peux tu accélerer le temps, stp?

CC: Francky5591

17 August 2008 15:02

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 12396
Je ne suis pas Dieu le père, gamine, je n'ai aucune prise sur le temps!

rahhaz, if the requester didn't bother to tell wether she wanted Yiddish in Hebrew characters, and as far as Yiddish reads this way, translation from this text into Yiddish will be done using Hebrew characters, as it is officialy the way Yiddish reads .

17 August 2008 15:03

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 4611
Ce n'était simplement cette petite traduction qui doit être faite par un expert, sic.

18 August 2008 00:46

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 28
Francky5591, there is no such thing like "official way Yidisch reads".

18 August 2008 12:59

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 12396
Most of the newspapers in Yiddish are issued in Hebrew characters.
Here's another wiki about.

19 August 2008 04:23

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 28
Just beacause "most of the newspapers in Yiddish are issued in Hebrew characters", doesn't make any official Yidisch, adding to that there is the fact that each one adopts different ways of writing and many with their own regional Yidisch.

Your Wiki article only proves what I said: there is no such thing like "Official Yidisch".
Although YIVO is a respectful organization, it is not an authorithy that would grant it the status of setting rules for an "official Yidisch", like the Akademiah la-Lashon ha-Ivrit (האקדמיה ללשון העברית) is: an authority for the official and standartized Modern Hebrew.