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Перевод - Латинский язык-Английский - Nam quod in iuventu non discitur, in matura...

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Nam quod in iuventu non discitur, in matura...
Добавлено darkgarden
Язык, с которого нужно перевести: Латинский язык

Nam quod in iuventu non discitur, in matura aetate nescitur.
Nam vitiis nemo sine noscitur,in magnis et voluisse sat est.
Комментарии для переводчика
Edited: inventus --> iuventu (other option: iuventute).
I have also removed not needed caps and added punctuation to the request.
<Aneta B.>

What is not learned in youth

Перевод сделан aluji
Язык, на который нужно перевести: Английский

For what is not learned in youth is unknown in old age.
For nobody is known to be without faults; in great endeavors, it is also enough to have been willing.
Комментарии для переводчика
"noscitur", as it is an inchoative verb, more closely means "is getting to be known", which does not make sense in context. Perhaps there was a transcription error which produced "noscitur" from what I assume was the original word, "nascitur", which would change the translation to "For nobody is born without faults." There was also a strange rendition of "vitiis" to "vitis", so I think the text we have here is not entirely trustworthy.
Последнее изменение было внесено пользователем lilian canale - 3 Сентябрь 2012 14:41

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19 Май 2012 15:55

Aneta B.
Кол-во сообщений: 4487
Hi aluji,
I've already changed "vitis" into "vitiis" (haven't noticed this before). Thank you.
I share your opinion that probably the original word was "nascitur" in the second sentence, but as long as "noscitur" is also accceptable and possible within the context, I left the word as it was.

26 Август 2012 13:52

lilian canale
Кол-во сообщений: 14972
Hi Aneta and Alex,
Could you please vote at this poll? I still haven't gotten any votes.

CC: alexfatt

26 Август 2012 21:26

Aneta B.
Кол-во сообщений: 4487
Hi Lilly,
It's pretty good translation. Anyway,

in magnis et voluisse sat est.

since it is a word "et" in the sentence, I would translate:
In great endeavours/things it is ALSO enough to have been willing. (or: that we have been willing)

26 Август 2012 21:57

Кол-во сообщений: 5
Aneta is right, that's a better treatment of the "et"