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Traduction - Anglais-Bulgare - You Man, be good like...

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Catégorie Ecriture libre - Education

You Man, be good like...
Proposé par megadeth.girl
Langue de départ: Anglais Traduit par Tzicu-Sem

Man, be good like honey,
Pure like wax,
And gentle like a bee.
Commentaires pour la traduction
The word "curat" means "clean" but I don't find that it fits the context well; we usually refer to a human person as being 'pure' (of heart - as the source text suggests it).
I used capital letter for 'man' as it refers to the human being in general and not the man as the male human.

Човече, бъди добър

Traduit par ViaLuminosa
Langue d'arrivée: Bulgare

Човече, бъди добър като мед,
чист като восък
и нежен като пчела.
Dernière édition ou validation par ViaLuminosa - 28 Avril 2010 21:47