Cucumis - Gratis on-line vertaal dienst
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20Vertaling - Duits-Engels - (1.)Du fehlst mir sehr mein Süßer Schatz....

Huidige statusVertaling
Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: DuitsEngelsTurksSpaans

Categorie Poëzie - Liefde/Vriendschap

(1.)Du fehlst mir sehr mein Süßer Schatz....
Opgestuurd door davdas
Uitgangs-taal: Duits

(1.)Du fehlst mir sehr mein Süßer Schatz.
(2.)Ich hab dich ganz doll lieb.
(3.)Ich liebe Dich.
(4.)Wie geht es Dir?
(5.)Mein Herz weint.
Details voor de vertaling
Ich möchte den Text in einer SMS verwenden und brauche die türkische Übersetzung . (Vielen Dank)
I want to use the text in a SMS and need the turkish translation. (Thanks a lot)

I miss you a lot, my sweet love...

Vertaald door CocoT
Doel-taal: Engels

(1.) I miss you a lot, sweetheart.
(2.) I really like you a lot.
(3.) I love you.
(4.) How are you?
(5.) My heart is crying.
Details voor de vertaling
- "Schatz" is a word of affection which originally means "treasure". "Sweet love" was my first impulse, but then I thought "sweetheart" worked a little better, as it works for amorous as well as non-amorous contexts, an ambiguity which I think is also there in the German original. I also thought that "sweetheart" sounded more natural than "my sweetheart"
- "jdn doll lieb haben" is much milder than "jnd lieben", therefore the "like you a lot" rather than "love you". Other possibility: "I'm really fond of you".
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door kafetzou - 8 februari 2007 15:07