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Traduzione - Inglese-Greco - Different alternatives

Stato attualeTraduzione
Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: InglesePortoghese brasilianoCatalanoSpagnoloGrecoItalianoAraboOlandeseTedescoPortogheseSlovenoEbraicoTurcoBulgaroHindiRussoCinese semplificatoRumenoGiapponeseSvedeseCineseSerboPolaccoDaneseAlbaneseEsperantoFinlandeseCroatoUnghereseNorvegeseCoreanoCecoPersianoSlovaccoAfrikaansNepaleseVietnamita
Traduzioni richieste: Irlandese

Different alternatives
Aggiunto da cucumis
Lingua originale: Inglese

When there are different alternatives for the translation, only keep the best one for this main translation field and the others for the comments field.
Note sulla traduzione
A caption displayed just above the main translation field (when submiting a translation)


Tradotto da irini
Lingua di destinazione: Greco

Όταν υπάρχουν πολλές εναλλακτικές για μια μετάφραση, γράψτε μόνο την καλύτερη στο κυρίως πεδίο μετάφρασης και τις άλλες στο πεδίο για τα σχόλια.
Note sulla traduzione
Slightly changed to keep the word number down. This translation reads : "When there are many alternatives for a translation, write only the best one in the main translation field and the others in the fields for the comments"
7 Settembre 2006 08:33

Ultimi messaggi


6 Settembre 2006 13:40

Numero di messaggi: 849
As I note on the comments of the Greek translation I had to change the text a bit to keep the word number down. This translation reads : "When there are many alternatives for a translation, write only the best one in the main translation field and the others in the fields for the comments".

Is this ok or should I do a word for word? It's for a caption you see and I wanted to minimize the size.