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10Prevođenje - Njemački-Grčki - Bis zum nöchsten mal Ich habe dich sehr sehr gem...

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: NjemačkiTurskiEngleskiGrčkiSlovački

Kategorija Izraz - Ljubav / Prijateljstvo

Ovaj zahtjev za prijevodom traži "Samo značenje".
Bis zum nöchsten mal Ich habe dich sehr sehr gem...
Poslao hande_92
Izvorni jezik: Njemački

Bis zum nächsten mal
Ich habe dich sehr sehr gern und lieb, Tschüss
Ich habe dich sehr gerne mein Schatz, mein Liebling.

Θα σε δω την επόμενη φορά

Preveo galka
Ciljni jezik: Grčki

Θα σε δω την επόμενη φορά.
Μ'αρέσεις πάρα πάρα πολύ και σ'αγαπώ, αντίο.
Μ'αρέσεις τόσο πολύ, θησαυρέ μου, αγαπούλα μου.
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio Mideia - 4 srpanj 2008 11:18

Najnovije poruke


30 lipanj 2008 16:21

Broj poruka: 109
mein Schatz = γλύκα μου

3 srpanj 2008 17:50

Broj poruka: 949
Schatz means tresor?

CC: iamfromaustria

4 srpanj 2008 10:46

Broj poruka: 8
Schatz σημαίνει θησαυρός...

Στην συγκεκριμένη μετάφραση δηλαδή ...θησαυρέ μου

4 srpanj 2008 11:18

Broj poruka: 949

CC: papas17

4 srpanj 2008 13:24

Broj poruka: 567
Sorry, bud in English version says "my life" - ζωή μου...

4 srpanj 2008 13:32

Broj poruka: 949
Φαίνεται ότι μετέφρασες από γερμανικά!;

CC: galka

4 srpanj 2008 13:45

Broj poruka: 567

Ουτέ λέξη δεν ξέρω!

δεν μ'αρέσει καθόλου σαν γλώσσα, (δεν εχεί σήμασια ,αλλά λέω)

4 srpanj 2008 18:35

Broj poruka: 1335
Sorry, Mideia, I must have missed your PN... But you're right, "Schatz" means "treasure" or as well "darling". Depends on the context

Btw, the original text contains some mistakes...
It should be:
Bis zum nächsten Mal
Ich habe dich sehr sehr gern und lieb tschüss
Ich habe dich sehr gerne mein Schatz, mein Liebling.

Even though the translation is already accepted, I would still change it. Oh and Lily, I just saw a minor mistake in the English translation: it should be "my darling" or "my treasure" instead of "my life". Just if you want it to be perfect..

CC: lilian canale

4 srpanj 2008 18:50

lilian canale
Broj poruka: 14972
Hi Heidrun, I've corrected the English version. Thanks for your warning. Of course I always want the job to be perfect!

4 srpanj 2008 20:04

Broj poruka: 1335
Thank you! Last thing: Could you please correct the original text too?