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번역 - 독일어-히브리어 - Wer ein Menschenleben rettet ...

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 독일어히브리어

Wer ein Menschenleben rettet ...
marielouis에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 독일어

Wer ein Menschenleben rettet rettet die ganze Welt
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Hallo wer könnte mir dieses Sprichwort übersetzen?

כל המקיים נפש אחת כאילו קיים עולם מלא

franzi에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 히브리어

כל המקיים נפש אחת כאילו קיים עולם מלא
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Das Sprichwort stammt aus dem Jerusalemer Talmud, Sanhedrin 4:9, im Originaltext heisst es
כל המקיים נפש אחת מעלין עליו כאילו קיים עולם מלא
Jeder, der eine Seele erhält: es wird ihm angerechnet, als hätte er die ganze Welt erhalten.
Im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch wird jedoch meist der Teil "es wird ihm angerechnet", weggelassen
libera에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2008년 11월 29일 21:05

마지막 글


2008년 11월 28일 21:40

게시물 갯수: 257
It seems that the asker has included additional text in the request frame - could you please remove it so we can approve the translation (which was done very well with a comprehensive explanation, by the way).

2008년 11월 28일 21:56

lilian canale
게시물 갯수: 14972
Hi Libera,
What you want me to keep is:
"Wer ein Menschenleben rettet rettet die ganze Welt"?

CC: libera

2008년 11월 29일 07:26

게시물 갯수: 257
Thank you, Lilian.
I have some qualms about this - you gave the exact quote from the Talmud, but this is not the use-version of the phrase. We usually say it without the words "מעלין עליו". Did the German original reflect the entire quote, or was it closer to the use-phrase?
I think we might want to give the use-phrase in the translation box, and add the full quote in the comments, before your excellent explanation.

2008년 11월 29일 20:15

게시물 갯수: 29
Hi Libera, you're right, the German version is more close to what you said. I deleted the מעלין עליו, is it correct now? Thank you for your help