Cucumis - Free online translation service
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Cucumis - Free online translation service

Who are we?

Cucumis is a community of translators who share their linguistic knowledge and help each other online.

What is it for?

Cucumis is ʼn webwerf waarop u tekse kan voorlê, om deur die gemeenskap vertaal te word.

How does it work?

To use the Cucumis services, you must be a registered member, you gain points when you translate a text and you need points to submit a text to be translated.

Maar wat as ek nie 'n vreemde taal praat nie?

As u geen vreemde taal ken nie, sal ons u toelaat om cucumis te gebruik deur u 300 punte elke 10 dae te gee (slegs as u inteken en wanneer u dit werklik nodig het).

How much does it cost?

Free. Cucumis is based on the exchange of services for mutual advantage.

What about the quality of the translations?

All translations are rated by administrators and experts. A member is promoted "Expert" for a given language when he or she has completed many translations which were rated with an average of over 7/10. If you want to be sure about the quality of a translation, you can ask that only an "Expert" make it but it will cost you more points.

Why the name of Cucumis?

Cucumis roughly translates as "Watermelon" from Latin, a spherical fruit like the earth, full of vitality and happiness. With about 3000 spoken languages over the world, we hope this website will help us to get to know each other.