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Oversættelse - Latin-Engelsk - Ambulat nobiscum, neque tamen ex nostris [est].

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Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: LatinEngelsk

Kategori Sætning

Ambulat nobiscum, neque tamen ex nostris [est].
Tilmeldt af jackjacklo
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Latin

Ambulat nobiscum, neque tamen ex nostris [est].

Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
which would be the correct translation to> he walks among us but he is not one of us.
Ambulate Inter Nos, Sed Unus Non Est Nostrum
Is inter nos ambulat, sed unus nostrum non est
<edit>"Ambulate Inter Nos, Sed Unus Non Est" Nostrum with the correct sentence in Latin that is "Ambulat nobiscum, neque tamen ex nostris [est]."</edit>

Go between us, but one isn't ours

Oversat af Dwayn_
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Engelsk

He goes between us, but one isn't ours
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
The correct sentence in latin would be : "Ambulat nobiscum, neque tamen ex nostris [est]."

You're translation is quite clumsy, because essentially drawn from English (it would give "Go between us, but one isn't ours")

"Ambulat nobiscum, neque tamen ex nostris [est]." litterally tells : "He walks with us, though he isn't part of us, of our group."
You can either put or not "est" at the end of your sentence, it can be implied.

Here you are ;)
Senest valideret eller redigeret af Francky5591 - 26 Juni 2019 14:51