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Textul original - Turcă - Engel atıcam ÅŸimdi allahını seversen yürü git 😄

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Engel atıcam şimdi allahını seversen yürü git 😄
Text de tradus
Înscris de Shebii
Limba sursă: Turcă

Engel atıcam şimdi allahını seversen yürü git 😄
26 August 2014 21:20

Ultimele mesaje


28 August 2014 13:40

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 1331

Could you give us the context so that we can translate it as accurate as possible?

Without context, I'm guessing it means:
I will ban you now. For god's sake, go away.

Does it fit the context?

14 Septembrie 2014 15:49

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 3769
Shebii dosen't know Turkish. He can't gıve us the context.
Therefore, I agree with Mesud.

"Engel, I will ban you now. For god's sake, go away."