Cucumis - Сервіс безкоштовного перекладу онлайн
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Країна ‎Об'єднане Королівство
Рік народження1988
Перший візит20 Березня 2009
Останній візит29 Вересня 2010 23:19
Поточна кількість пунктів

Кількість віртуальних пунктів за переклад

Основна мова ‎Португальська Португальська
Rudi88 може читати наступними мовами: АнглійськаПортугальськаІталійська
Переклад - Налагодження
Мова оригіналуАнглійськаІталійська
Мова, якою перекладатиПортугальська
Відповідностей не знайдено
As normal as a thought, as simple as a reaction?

A translation is a natural process, as normal as a thought, as simple as a reaction.

Looking at the same object two individuals experience different reactions. Reading the same sentence two individuals idealize it differently, make different scenarios, and find different perspectives, even if the difference is very slight and not noticeable. Therefore, those individuals are already in different boats. What's the chance of getting to the same dock at the exact same time? Definitely, it's not a big one. If I asked 10 people to translate separately this piece of text, I feel certain to say there would not be a pair of translations being completely equal(except for deliberate copying).

I am not an expert, I have nothing to suggest, I can't bring anything new, I can only write down my views, which are also understood in different ways by every individual who reads it. Therefore, my views are simultaneously right, wrong, helpful, useless, interesting, and not interesting. Or not?