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Übersetzung - Hebräisch-Englisch - Molim vas ako moyete da prevedete ovaj text:..

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Dieser Text ist in den folgenden Sprachen erhältlich: HebräischEnglischSerbisch

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Molim vas ako moyete da prevedete ovaj text:..
Übermittelt von akitainu
Herkunftssprache: Hebräisch

Ane af pa"m chashavte she ata shakran..
Aval ane en be emona ve al teshcach she anachno
ycholem leshaer chaverem netrae ane mestaeret..
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
Molim vas ako mozete da prevedete ovaj text:

Please translate this text if you can

Übersetzt von ollka
Zielsprache: Englisch

I never thought you were a liar..
But I have no faith, and don't forget that we can still be friends. See you, I'm sorry..
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von lilian canale - 4 Juli 2008 03:56

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30 Juni 2008 14:01

lilian canale
Anzahl der Beiträge: 14972
Hi ollka,

What do you mean by: "But I have no faith"?

30 Juni 2008 14:28

Anzahl der Beiträge: 149
By that I mean a literal translation of "en be emona". I think it might be implied that (s)he has no faith in the other person, but it is not said directly.

30 Juni 2008 14:33

lilian canale
Anzahl der Beiträge: 14972
Could we invert the syntax and still keep the meaning?
Instead of :
"But I have no faith, and don't forget that we can still be friends"
could it be:
"Don't forget that we can still be friends, but I have no faith anymore.(I don't trust you anymore)"

What do you think?

30 Juni 2008 14:41

Anzahl der Beiträge: 149
I'm not sure. It's all one sentence in the original. I'm reluctant to make changes that would bring added meaning into the text. You think this would be safe to do?

30 Juni 2008 15:17

lilian canale
Anzahl der Beiträge: 14972
Well I don't know what the original says exactly. My job is getting a text which makes sense and sounds well in English. That's why I ask you if the change in the syntax would affect the meaning, if not, even having to add one or two words we can get a better translation.
We have already talked about that some time ago, remember?
But, if you think it would change the meaning, of course we can't do it.

3 Juli 2008 11:24

Anzahl der Beiträge: 173
It's the terms: it's present not past -
1-instead of "you were" it should be "you are".

2-Literally you can say I have no faith but the meaning here is: "But, I've been hurt or touched".

Good Luck