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Traduzione - Inglese-Svedese - Warning-original-revision

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Categoria Sito web / Blog / Forum - Computers / Internet

Aggiunto da cucumis
Lingua originale: Inglese

Warning, some [1]upload items[/1] (%l) from the original revision cannot be find in the edited revision, are you sure you want to go on?
Note sulla traduzione
Upload items are a sound or an illustration. They are integrated in the wiki article and can be recorded/edited by the visitor. Each upload item is identified by a number (called the "index"). When editing a wiki article, if one of the indexes has disapeared, the sound or the illustration will be deleted, that's why we must display a warning.


Tradotto da Laurencia
Lingua di destinazione: Svedese

Varning, några av de [1]nerladdade föremålen[/1] (%l) från original revisionen kan inte hittas i den tillagda revisionen,är du säker på att du vill fortätta?
Ultima convalida o modifica di cucumis - 4 Gennaio 2006 11:02

Ultimi messaggi


27 Dicembre 2005 00:35

Numero di messaggi: 3785
Laurencia, could you edit and surround the swedish translation of "upload items" (I guess it is "nerladdade föremålen"?) with [1] and [/1]. This tags will be used to build a link to an explanation page. Thanks .