Cucumis - Gratis on-line vertaal dienst
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Vertaling - Roemeens-Engels - Ar trebui să-ţi fie ruşine că te joci de-a viaţa;...

Huidige statusVertaling
Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: RoemeensEngelsLatijnHebreeuws

Categorie Zin

Deze vertaling aanvraag is "betekenis alleen"
Ar trebui să-ţi fie ruşine că te joci de-a viaţa;...
Opgestuurd door Francky5591
Uitgangs-taal: Roemeens

Ar trebui să-ţi fie ruşine că te joci de-a viaţa; un bărbat adevărat nu face cum ai făcut tu. Nici nu-mi doresc să te mai vad şi de auzit la fel. Succes.
Details voor de vertaling
אנני מבין מה כתוב פה ואבקש לתרגם לי בבקשה

Before edit:
Ar trebui sati fie rusine ca te joci deaviata; un barbat adevarat nu face cum ai fakut tu. Nici numi doresc sa te mai vad si de auzit la fel. SUCces <Freya>

You should be ashamed for playing God...

Vertaald door Ionut Andrei
Doel-taal: Engels

You should be ashamed for playing with me; a man would never do like you did. I don't want to see you or hear about you ever again. Good luck.
Details voor de vertaling
I changed a bit the first sentence because I don't think the "playing life" sounds too good.
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door lilian canale - 17 december 2012 20:00

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17 december 2012 18:54

Aantal berichten: 1910
It's hard to translate exactly that idiom, but I think the meaning is not "playing God", but plain "playing" and not taking life into seriously, like he should. That man is playing with her, he's not behaving like a real man.

17 december 2012 19:12

Ionut Andrei
Aantal berichten: 56
Thanks for the opinion, would you make the change? I think "playing with me" goes better.