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Tercüme - İngilizce-Romence - Situation awareness about the catastrophe taking...

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Situation awareness about the catastrophe taking...
Öneri michalharis
Kaynak dil: İngilizce

Situation awareness about the catastrophe taking place in the Palestinian lands
Çeviriyle ilgili açıklamalar
The gerundive is to signify that the catastrophe is not an event of the past but is rather continuous and long-term.

Conştientizarea situaţiei privitoare la catastrofele ce...

Çeviri gya24_ro
Hedef dil: Romence

Conştientizarea situaţiei privitoare la catastrofele ce au loc în teritoriile palestiniene.
En son azitrad tarafından onaylandı - 24 Haziran 2009 09:53

Son Gönderilen


23 Haziran 2009 17:19

Mesaj Sayısı: 89
I think the translation is right, the only thing it might be an issue with Romanian translation is "Palestina". As far as I know, "Palestina" is not the same, for some people, with Palestinian lands. From WIKI: "There are differences of opinion as to what the Palestinian territories should be called". Source:
AÅŸ propune, in loc de Palestina, "teritoriile palestiniene".

24 Haziran 2009 09:52

Mesaj Sayısı: 970
Mulţumesc, WlmShk

O observaţie foarte pertinentă
After all, şi în varianta în engleză e "Palestinian lands"....