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Переклад - Турецька-Англійська - • Otelimiz temel stratejisi tanınmış markaları...

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• Otelimiz temel stratejisi tanınmış markaları...
Публікацію зроблено pega545
Мова оригіналу: Турецька

• Otelimiz temel stratejisi tanınmış markaları kendi resmi tedarikçilerinden almaktır. Bu bağlamda Metro Gross Market ile yenilediğimiz sözleşme ile yeniden alımlara başlanmıştır

The main strategy of our hotel

Переклад зроблено ToprakA
Мова, якою перекладати: Англійська

The main strategy of our hotel is procuring renowned brands from its official suppliers. Therefore, we have renewed our contract with Metro Gross Market and restarted purchases
Пояснення стосовно перекладу
Son cumlenin Ingilizce de farkli soylendigine dikkati cekerim.
Затверджено lilian canale - 5 Серпня 2009 23:44

Останні повідомлення


4 Серпня 2009 14:18

Кількість повідомлень: 13
The main strategy of our hotel is to buy the well known trademarks from their official provider. In this context, we resumed puchases by the renewed contract with Metro Gross Market.

4 Серпня 2009 16:30

Кількість повідомлень: 36
Sozcugu sozugune cevirmek istiyorsunuz, ingilizcesi iyi olmuyor. Ikinci cumleniz hic iyi degil. "...resumed purchases by the renewed..." denmez ingilizcede.

Yalniz benim "known brands" dedigime "well known" demi$siniz. Sizinki daha iyi. Saniyorum ortasina bir de tire koymakda yarar var. "trademark" bence iyi bir ceviri gibi durmuyor.

Ahmet Toprak

4 Серпня 2009 20:17

Кількість повідомлень: 878
I think the translation is ok actually. Lilian, this is proper English right? I'm sorry, sometimes I'm a little confused myself that's why I'm asking . If it is proper English, then the translation is correct..

4 Серпня 2009 20:57

lilian canale
Кількість повідомлень: 14972
I don't know if this conveys the original, but in English it would sound better:

"The main strategy of our hotel is procuring renowned brands to be our official suppliers. With that intention, we have renewed our contract with Metro Gross Market and restarted purchases."

What do you think?

4 Серпня 2009 21:17

Кількість повідомлень: 36
Unfortunately no.

Yours: ... procuring ... to be our official suppliers.
Original: ... procuring ... from their official suppliers.

The second sentence is OK. "bu baglamda" can be "with that intention". If I were saying it here in the US for my business, I could say:

With this in mind


Ahmet Toprak

4 Серпня 2009 21:35

Кількість повідомлень: 878
maybe therefore suits better here than in accordance with this .

4 Серпня 2009 22:25

Кількість повідомлень: 36
Yes, I think it is simpler and sounds less gobbledygookery.

I have to get back to editing our news for tonight's broadcast.

Ahmet Toprak

4 Серпня 2009 22:39

Кількість повідомлень: 878
ok, so I think if we change it into therefore the translation can be evaluated .

5 Серпня 2009 10:18

lilian canale
Кількість повідомлень: 14972
Not yet should read:

" The main strategy of our hotel is procuring renowned brands from its official suppliers. Therefore, we have renewed our contract with Metro Gross Market and restarted purchases."

5 Серпня 2009 09:24

Кількість повідомлень: 878
Ok, I've changed them Lilian (hmm.. maybe I wasn't allowed to change it coz of your poll :-/ I still can't get the hang of all these rules )

5 Серпня 2009 10:09

lilian canale
Кількість повідомлень: 14972
Actually, you certainly didn't pay attention, but when you clicked on "Edit" it was displayed a warning saying the translation was being evaluated by another expert.
New features all the takes some time to get used to all them
"I'm taking care..." and "This evaluation is managed by..." were created to prevent one expert from stepping on other expert's work. It's been really useful so far avoiding those misunderstandings there used to be in the past remember?

5 Серпня 2009 10:11

Кількість повідомлень: 878
Well I think it didn't give a warning when I clicked on edit, only after I edited it! oh and what is threfore? where did the e go?

5 Серпня 2009 10:19

lilian canale
Кількість повідомлень: 14972
Oops! sometimes my fingers don't want to obey my mind