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번역 - 그리스어-영어 - Δεν το έχω, το έχω σβήσει

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 그리스어프랑스어영어

분류 속어 - 뉴스 / 현재 상황들

Δεν το έχω, το έχω σβήσει
Francky5591에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 그리스어

Δεν το έχω, το έχω σβήσει. Θυμάμαι ότι σου είπα ότι τόσο καιρό η συμπεριφορά μου είναι κάτι παραπάνω από αξιοπρεπής για να έχεις παράπονο...
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
c'est ecrit en lettre latine donc sans l'aide d'un traducteur dont le langue maternelle est grec je pense que ce sera difficile

Before edit: "den to exw to exw svisei, thimamai oti sou eipa oti nomizw toso kairo i simperifora mou einai kati parapanw apo aksioprepeis gia na exeis parapono..."

I don't have it, I've deleted it

User10에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

I don't have it, I've deleted it. I remember having told you that, since all of this time, my behaviour is far too dignified to give you the right to complain about it...
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
lit. : ...was something more than decent for you to complain about it... (meaning:you don't have the right to complain about my behaviour as it was more than decent.)
Tantine에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2010년 3월 5일 14:20

마지막 글


2010년 3월 2일 01:19

게시물 갯수: 2747
Hi User10,

Pleased to meet you

You get the privilege of being the first translator I expertise since I got back onto cucumis after a very long absence.

As I don't speak any Greek, I have based myself on the French version.

Your translation is mostly fine, I have simply "polished" it a little.

Let me know if you are ok with the suggestions for correcting it and I will validate it straight away.


2010년 3월 2일 21:55

게시물 갯수: 1173
Hi Tantine,

Pleased to meet you, too

Thanks for your corrections and welcome back!