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10Translation - Brazilian Portuguese-Klingon - Não está morto quem peleja

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Category Expression - Society / People / Politics

Não está morto quem peleja
Submitted by professorloureiro
Source language: Brazilian Portuguese

Não está morto quem peleja
Remarks about the translation
Essa é a frase-base do pensamento do combatentes gaúchos na Guerra da Farroupilha. Pelejar pode ser compreendido como um sinônimo de guerrear, lutar.

narghbe'chugh SuvwI' qa' taH may'

Translated by stevo
Target language: Klingon

narghbe'chugh SuvwI' qa' taH may'.
Remarks about the translation
This is a proverb meaning "If the warrior's spirit has not escaped, the battle is still going on."
It can also be translated more literally as "SuvtaHchugh vaj yIntaH," "If he's still fighting, he still lives.
Last validated or edited by stevo - 31 December 2007 12:08