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Vertaling - Perzisch-Engels - Thievery Corporation سفر اشعار

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Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: PerzischEngels

Categorie Liedje

Thievery Corporation سفر اشعار
Opgestuurd door Tarcisodarosa
Uitgangs-taal: Perzisch

چرا چشاتو باز نمی کنی؟
دلم برای تو تنگ شده.
چرا دلم برات تنگ شده؟
دلم برای تو تنگ شد.
چرا چشاتو باز نمی کنی؟
بچه ها کجا رفتین؟ رفتین؟
دست به دست، کجا رفتین؟
Details voor de vertaling
Não sei o idioma de origem e nem o google translator.
Safar (The Journey) by Thievery Corporation
esse é o link da música

Poems Journey

Vertaald door Edison11
Doel-taal: Engels

Why do not you open your eyes?
I miss you
Why I miss you?
I miss you
Why do not you open your eyes?
Where did you go guys? Where did you go?
Hand to hand , where did you go?

Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door lilian canale - 15 april 2014 13:04

Laatste bericht


4 maart 2014 17:33

Aantal berichten: 12396
Hi! I've set this text in stand-by, we'll wait until we know into which language the lyrics are written.

I've asked them on their facebook page, maybe will they answer.