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421翻译 - 英语-罗马尼亚语 - Don´t say "I love you". Let me feel it!

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讨论区 诗歌

Don´t say "I love you". Let me feel it!
提交 danabogdan
源语言: 英语

Don´t say "I love you". Let me feel it!
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Nu îmi spune "Te iubesc". Lasă-mă să o simt!

翻译 iepurica
目的语言: 罗马尼亚语

Nu îmi spune "Te iubesc". Lasă-mă să o simt!
iepurica认可或编辑 - 2007年 十月 28日 16:30



2007年 七月 19日 12:41

文章总计: 5
Não diga " Eu te amo". Deixe-me sentir isso!

2007年 十月 28日 06:43

文章总计: 91
Cum adica <<nu "im" spune>>? Parca trebuia tradus in romana, nu? lol

2007年 十月 28日 16:32

文章总计: 2102
Da drăguţă, aşa este, din păcate se mai întâmplă să dispară câte o literă, asta însă nu justifică sarcasmul şi nici nu face textul incorect.

2007年 十月 29日 13:55

文章总计: 91
Nu era sarcasm, Iepurica, ci o observaţie la adresa unei scăpări ce chiar făcea textul incorect, gramatical vorbind. Mie mi s-a "luat capul" pentru diacritice, aşa că...

2007年 十月 29日 16:41

文章总计: 3706

2007年 十月 29日 17:26

文章总计: 91
goncin, it seems to me you are looking for a dispute )

2007年 十月 29日 19:58

文章总计: 3706
No Iepurica. I called for you because this page was marked for an admin to check and I don't understand any Romanian (yet).

2007年 十月 29日 20:55

文章总计: 2102
Ok, the whole discussion is here about a small mistake I made in the upper translation. maddie_maze got annoyed about the fact I have rejected some translations she made without the (now) famous diacritics. So, she found this older translation of mine. In the original translation I wrote "îm" instead of "îmi" and her comment was, here I quote, "how come <nu îm spune>? It was suppose to be translated into Romanian, isn't it?". I just replied that such a small mistake does not justified the sarcasm and it is not changing the sense of the phrase and than her answer was: "It was not sarcasm, Iepurica, only an observation about a slip which Has actually made the text incorrect, gramatically speaking. I have been "decapitated" for the diacritics, so..."

I don't know who had checked the option for verification, but for me sounds as a lame attempt to prove to me that I'm not entitled to refuse texts for banalities, as the diacritics are, when I do mistakes like the "huge" one I did here. And to show that to the other administrators also.

2007年 十月 29日 20:25

文章总计: 3706
This page was marked for an admin to check by maddie_maze herself. Sorry, I should have just disconsidered that.

2007年 十月 29日 20:26

文章总计: 2102
It's ok, goncin, thanks anyway.