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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - semra hanım pazar günü lütfen buluşalım...

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Catégorie Expression - Argent/ Travail

semra hanım pazar günü lütfen buluşalım...
Proposé par geveze26
Langue de départ: Turc

semra hanım pazar günü lütfen buluşalım toplantımız var
Commentaires pour la traduction
acil çeviri

Mrs. Semra

Traduit par Chantal
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Mrs. Semra, let's meet on Sunday, please; we will have a meeting.
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 18 Novembre 2009 12:37

Derniers messages


17 Novembre 2009 21:46

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi Chantal,

This doesn't sound very natural
The syntax is awkward.
Is the line being addressed to Mrs. Semra?

What is the real meaning of the line in different words?

17 Novembre 2009 22:01

Nombre de messages: 878
Yes it's quite weird in Turkish too.. it seems more like a conversation than a 'formal text' in an e-mail:

semra hanım pazar günü lütfen buluşalım toplantımız var

hanim is a formal way of saying 'mrs/miss', pazar gunu is sunday, lutfen is 'please', bulusalim - let's meet, toplantimiz var - we've got a meeting.

maybe: Let's meet on Sunday please, we've got a meeting. But the 'lutfen' should then be after 'bulusalim', which is why I translated it like this, as if it's more pleading?

17 Novembre 2009 22:31

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hum... let's set a poll and see what the community offers to help

I'll just edit Sunday and change the punctuation a bit, OK?

"Mrs. Semra let's please meet on sunday, we've got a meeting.

18 Novembre 2009 00:00

Nombre de messages: 3769
we've got a meeting...>we will have our meeting.

18 Novembre 2009 06:32

Nombre de messages: 878
Oh yes you're right merdogan..

18 Novembre 2009 11:14

Nombre de messages: 758
I agree with merdogan.
It should be: we will have a meeting.