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Originalan tekst - Latinski - Quoniam liber iste in quibusdam, iuxta hebraicum...

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Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: LatinskiEngleski

Quoniam liber iste in quibusdam, iuxta hebraicum...
Tekst kojeg treba prevesti
Poslao jairhaas
Izvorni jezik: Latinski

Quoniam liber iste in quibusdam, iuxta hebraicum stilum, decurtatus est, quae ex aliqua parte defecerunt, utcunque gesta narrantur in libris duobus Paralipomenon, qui ob hoc nomen assumpserunt: nam in Graecam originem Paralipomenon relictorum , vel de relictis interpretatur: eo quod ibi de eis, quae relicta sunt in libris Regum, & alijs historicis, suppletio quaedam habetur.
Primjedbe o prijevodu
Paralipomenon = the book of Chronicles

Regu --> Regum < edited by Aneta B.>
Posljednji uredio Aneta B. - 12 ožujak 2010 12:33

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11 ožujak 2010 15:52

Aneta B.
Broj poruka: 4487
Hello Jair!
I know it is difficult to decipher the medieval abbreviations, but some corrections needed:

*Regu --> Regum ( in libris Regum - in the Books of Kings)

*utcunque? Maybe "utrunque"

12 ožujak 2010 07:38

Broj poruka: 261
You're right, "regu" has an abbreviation sign above the letter U. I
I'll send you an image.

12 ožujak 2010 12:31

Aneta B.
Broj poruka: 4487
Thanks for the scanned image.
I can see now, "utcunque" is after the assimilation of letters 'm' and 'q'. It was "utcumque" before.
I will edit only the first word, because it is definitely "Regum"