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Оригинальный текст - Английский - All time

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All time
Текст для перевода
Добавлено cucumis
Язык, с которого нужно перевести: Английский

All time
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"All time" wil be used in this context : Best rated of "all time". Will be displayed clased to "Best rated of the month", "best rated of the week".
You can also translate "Of all time" if you prefer.
Последние изменения внесены cucumis - 15 Февраль 2007 18:27

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2 Январь 2007 21:09

Кол-во сообщений: 849
That one is difficult to translate in Greek ( I will scratch my head for an answer I promise I'd appreciate some company in misery though).

Now Συνεχώς doesn't work in this case as I see it (feel free to disagree -politely! )
Διαχρονικές or something seems a bit off to me
To εξ αρχής isn't good either (plus it's a bit archaic isn't it?)

Any ideas? Am I nitpicking too much?

Right now I can't think of anything else.

7 Январь 2007 00:18

Кол-во сообщений: 7963
The meaning here is "of all time", or "ever", NOT "all the time" or "always".

I'm not even sure if my Greek translation, which you accepted, is correct now. Maybe it should be "από την αρχή μέχρι τώρα" just to be crystal clear?

7 Январь 2007 00:49

Кол-во сообщений: 849
Well it should be but it's too long and we need sth shorter don't we? That's why I am stumped and your translation is the best so far. I can't think of anything else to tell you the truth.

7 Январь 2007 01:00

Кол-во сообщений: 7963
Me neither. I think this whole thing is problematic - several of the translations (into various languages) are not of the right meaning, but I told jp that I thought this. Actually, the phrase you used ( "so far" ) would be better in English, because "all time" is causing a lot of confusion.

How about just "μέχρι τώρα" in Greek?

7 Январь 2007 08:20

Кол-во сообщений: 3785
I've changed the comment about this translation to make it more clear.

7 Январь 2007 13:13

Кол-во сообщений: 849
You're a geniuous Kafetzou! I edited your translation to "up to now"

7 Январь 2007 16:18

Кол-во сообщений: 7963
You flatter me irini - thanks!