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Prevođenje - Engleski-Hebrejski - Seret Hodi

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: HinduEngleskiHebrejski

Kategorija Pjesništvo

Ovaj zahtjev za prijevodom traži "Samo značenje".
Seret Hodi
Poslao ahikamr
Izvorni jezik: Engleski Preveo vinoush

Pledges, pledges so many pledges before
Dancing, dancing so many gossips
Over the eyes I put
Kajal (eyeliner), Come and dance, honey!
Primjedbe o prijevodu
I love this song! :) Unfortunately, her Hindi is very bad and this transliteration resembles hardly anything proper. So this above translation is my best GUESS(according to the lyrics and video clip) and the transliteration should be like this:

Pehli pehli binti kiteni
Nache nache kiteni charche
Akhiyan de dale jame
Kajhara aja nach baliye

שיר הודי

Preveo כרמל
Ciljni jezik: Hebrejski

הבטחות, הבטחות, כל כך הרבה הבטחות בעבר
רוקדים, רוקדים, כל כך הרבה רכלנים
מעל העיניים אני שמה
אייליינר, בוא ורקוד יקירי!
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio libera - 10 srpanj 2009 17:31

Najnovije poruke


4 lipanj 2008 20:40

lilian canale
Broj poruka: 14972

Are you still interested in this translation or can the request be removed?