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Paese ‎Regno Unito
Anno di nascita1973
Prima visita26 Giugno 2007
Ultima visita13 Settembre 2011 11:52
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Lingua principale ‎Inglese Inglese
markowe può leggere le seguenti lingue: IngleseRussoCroatoSerboBosniaco
Traduzione - Impostazioni personali
Lingua originaleSerbo
Lingua di destinazioneInglese
Translation from Serbian to English

When translating from Serbian to English, indeed between any two languages, we have to strike the right balance between conveying the literal meaning and ensuring an idiomatic translation in the target language.

That can and should mean a certain amount of freedom in the target language. The question you always need to ask yourself is - "What would a native speaker say?" Ask that question of every line you translate - "Would a native speaker really say this?". If the answer is "no" (be honest), then you need to rethink your translation, it's as simple as that.