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翻訳 - イタリア語-英語 - mentre tutto scorre

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: イタリア語英語 トルコ語


mentre tutto scorre
原稿の言語: イタリア語

parla in fretta e non pensar
se quel che dici può far male
perché mai io dovrei
fingere di essere fragile
come tu mi

(vuoi)nasconderti in silenzi
mille volte già concessi
tanto poi tu lo sai
riuscirei sempre a convincermi
che tutto scorre

While evrything flows

lilian canale様が翻訳しました
翻訳の言語: 英語

speak quickly
without considering the harm
your words may cause
because I never had to pretend
being fragile like you do.

(you want) to hide in the silence
a thousand times I already
gave in so much then
you know you always
manage to convince me
that everything flows.
weird sentence structure.
Lacks pronouns and marks.
最終承認・編集者 dramati - 2008年 1月 29日 22:15



2008年 1月 29日 05:42

投稿数: 1549
Lilian, there are some inconsistencies with the original. Here is what it means (in the best English I can afford):

speak quickly and don't think if what you say may hurt others
because I should never pretend to be fragile as you (sth is missing) me

(you want) to hide yourself within silences
a thousand of times I already yielded up so much
then you know I would always manage to be convinced
that everything passes

2008年 1月 29日 05:51

投稿数: 1549
Or in Spanish, where I may be more accurate:

habla deprisa y no pienses
si aquello que dices puede hacer daño
porque nunca debería yo
fingir ser frágil
como tú me...

(quieres) esconderte en silencios
mil veces ya cedí
tanto, luego, lo sabes,
siempre conseguiría convencerme
de que todo pasa

2008年 1月 29日 10:53

投稿数: 1910
Speak quickly and don't think if what you say can do harm
because I'd never have to pretend to be weak
like you ...
(you want) to hide yourself into the silence
I already gave up/yielded so many times(a thousand times)
so much and you know it
I'd always manage to convince myself that everything flows.

2008年 1月 29日 14:32

投稿数: 113
la prima parte e :
parli in fretta senza considerare il male che le tue parole potrebbero causare poiche io non ho mai finto

2008年 1月 29日 16:17

投稿数: 3
"Parla" is the imperative form of the verb "parlare". I think it's better translate with "speak quickly"

2008年 1月 29日 21:58

投稿数: 972

Here in the above I see that we have different interpretations, all of which, in English, work for me. What I need from you guys, is to agree on which combination expresses the intent of the translation. Then we can validate this and go on to other challenges.