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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - helal kankalar

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helal kankalar
Proposé par nickdask
Langue de départ: Turc

helal kankalar
vekilim olarak siz bakacaksınız bu işlere artık

blood brothers

Traduit par merdogan
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Congratulations blood brothers!
As my representatives you will take care of these matters from now on.
Dernière édition ou validation par kafetzou - 30 Juin 2008 20:21

Derniers messages


3 Juin 2008 18:04

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
permissible? What do you mean?

If it's plural "brothers" it should be plural "administrators" I guess both sentences address the same people.

3 Juin 2008 21:59

Nombre de messages: 3769
Permissible means "canonically lawful" or "very good". ( ofcouse for me)
"....lar" is plural.
"vekilim" is singular and it is not "vekillerim....."
but "you" can be plural.
I hope you understand me.

3 Juin 2008 22:54

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
I'm sorry, but I don't.

1- "permissible" means WHAT???

In English it means : permitted or allowable

I think you misunderstood the word.

3 Juin 2008 23:39

Nombre de messages: 3769
it means for us like in Spain " oley..."

3 Juin 2008 23:56

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
"oley"? in Spanish? That word does not exist in Spanish.

You are making things more and more confusing.

I'm sorry merdogan, but I think you'll have to find a better word. "Permissible" does not work here.

6 Juin 2008 15:12

Nombre de messages: 655
look at is wrong.
look after

7 Juin 2008 13:40

Nombre de messages: 1
look kelimesi yerine işlerle ilgilenmek anlamına da gelebilen take care of fiilini kullanmayı daha uygun buluyorum.cümleyi şu şekilde yazıyorum:
yippee blood brothers!
from this time you will take care of these works as my administrator.

8 Juin 2008 08:13

Nombre de messages: 3769

30 Juin 2008 20:20

Nombre de messages: 7963
"iÅŸler" should be translated as "matters" not "works" - I will edit it.

30 Juin 2008 20:21

Nombre de messages: 7963
Actually, I made a few changes.