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翻译 - 菲律宾语-越南语 - Ibang wika

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索译列单: 越南语

Ibang wika
提交 cucumis
源语言: 菲律宾语

Ibang wika
"Ibang wika" is a direct translation of "Other languages". It is generic enough for most contexts, which is why I have chosen it.

An alternative translation is "Iba pang wika", which includes the meaning that there is already an existing list [of languages]. (Consequently, "Iba pang wika" refers to languages that are not on this list.) A closer translation to English would be "Other languages on top of this."/"Other languages besides what is - or has already been - shown". Even though this translation is closer to what was requested, it is quite specific in its usage. It can't function in all of the same contexts as "Other languages" in English can.
2012年 七月 2日 04:29