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Translation - English-Turkish - This study was designed to examine the...

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This text is available in the following languages: EnglishTurkish

This translation request is "Meaning only".
This study was designed to examine the...
Submitted by gülnihal
Source language: English

This study was designed to examine the interactions
between mivacurium and rocuronium or vecuronium
when administered during a standardized anesthetic
technique. Seventy healthy women undergoing abdominal
hysterectomy procedures with a standardized
thiopental-sufentanil-desflurane-nitrous oxide anesthetic
technique were randomly assigned to one of
seven treatment groups (10 patients each).
Remarks about the translation
latince kelimeler olduğu gibi kalsın


Translated by pashayaman
Target language: Turkish

Bu çalışma, standart bir anestetik teknik esnasında hastaya verilen mivacurium ve rocuronium veya veuroniumun birbirleri arasındaki etkileşimi incelemek amacıyla tasarlanmıştır. Standart tiyopental-sufentanil-desfluran-azot protoksit anestetik tekniği ile abdominal histerektomi işlemleri geçiren 70 sağlıklı kadın, rasgele olarak 7 tedavi grubundan birine atanmıştır (her birine 10 hasta).
Last validated or edited by minuet - 14 September 2010 14:45