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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - Gerçek sevgi: iyilik gördüğünde artmayan...

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Catégorie Phrase - Culture

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Gerçek sevgi: iyilik gördüğünde artmayan...
Proposé par kendin_ol_19
Langue de départ: Turc

Gerçek sevgi: iyilik gördüğünde artmayan, kötülük gördüğünde azalmayan sevgidir. Gerçek sevgi: davranışlara göre şekillenmeyen, özde hep aynı kalan sevgidir.

True love is that one which doesn't ...

Traduit par handyy
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

True love is that one which doesn't increase when faced with goodness and doesn't decrease when faced with badness. True love is that one which is not shaped according to the behaviours and always remains the same in its essence.
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 17 Septembre 2009 12:39

Derniers messages


17 Septembre 2009 01:30

Nombre de messages: 99
''Real love doesn't increase when (faced) with good; and (neither) does (it) decrease when (faced) with bad. Real love is not shaped according to behavior and always remains (essentially) the same.''


''True love doesn't increase when (faced) with goodness and doesn't decrease when (faced) with badness. True love is not shaped according to the (behaviors) and always remains the same in its essence.''

Thanks for everything

17 Septembre 2009 09:41

Nombre de messages: 16
that one demeye gerek var mı ?