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43Texte d'origine - Anglais - I wish you bluebirds in the spring, to give your...

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Catégorie Chanson

I wish you bluebirds in the spring, to give your...
Texte à traduire
Proposé par mandinga
Langue de départ: Anglais

I wish you bluebirds in the spring, to give your heart a song to sing,
And then a kiss, but more than this, I wish you love.
And in July a lemonade to cool you in some leafy glade,
I wish you health, and more than wealth, I wish you love.
My breaking heart and I agree that you and I could never be,
So with my best, my very best, I set you free.
I wish you shelter from the storm, a cozy fire to keep you warm,
But, most of all, when snowflakes fall, I wish you love.
Commentaires pour la traduction
25 Avril 2009 03:36