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Traduction - Italien-Anglais - Se é triste, amalo.

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Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: ItalienAnglais

Se é triste, amalo.
Proposé par Bamsa
Langue de départ: Italien

Se é triste, amalo.

If he is sad, love him

Traduit par lilian canale
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

If he is sad, love him.
Dernière édition ou validation par Francky5591 - 20 Septembre 2008 14:00

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19 Septembre 2008 01:41

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi Bamsa,

I'm curious about all these short requests following the same style...why didn't you pack them in a single request so that it would have been easier to get the meaning?

You see...some of them are translated using the pronoun "it", others like this one, understands "him".
It would be useful to make clear about whom the sentences talk about. Whether a person or an object. See what I mean?

19 Septembre 2008 18:46

Nombre de messages: 1524
Hi lilian,

I don't know if it is about a person or an object. It is from one of those magnetic tings that you put on the fridge. You are right I should have put them in a single request.

But it is like this:

Regole della casa
Se é aperto, chindilo.
Se é per terra, raccoglilo.
Se é sporco, puliscilo.
Se ha fame, nutrilo.
Se é triste, amalo.

Maybe from this you can see if it is about an object or a person.

19 Septembre 2008 18:55

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Well...if they are rules for the management of the house..they are probably commands on how to behave. (a students' hostel maybe...)

The first lines should refer to objects, but the last two (because of the verbs used) are probably talking about a person what doesn't make much sense.

But the translations (all) are correct the way they are.

Anyway, it wouldn't have made any difference gathering them in a sole request, the doubt would remain.