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31Traduction - Turc-Anglais - Kar beyazdır ölüm...

Etat courantTraduction
Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: TurcAnglais

Catégorie Chanson - Amour / Amitié

Kar beyazdır ölüm...
Proposé par Meceko
Langue de départ: Turc

Hasret vuruyor gecenin koynunda
Anılar vuruyor gözyaşlarıma
Çılgın bulutlar dönüyor başımda
Uykusuz geceler başımda
Yıkılsa dünya, kıyamet kopsa
Yine de vazgeçmem, ölürüm derdimden
Kar beyazdır ölüm, ellerinden gülüm
Yine yoksun diye, düşmanım her güne
Dursun dünya, dönmesin sensiz
Yaşanmasın of Allah'ım sensiz
Kar beyazdır ölüm, ellerinden gülüm
Yine yoksun diye, düşmanım her güne
Commentaires pour la traduction
Amerikan Ä°ngilizcesi

Yearning comes at the breast of the night

Traduit par cheesecake
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Yearning comes at the breast of the night
Memories strike in my tears
Crazy clouds turn around my head
Sleepless nights are at my head
Even if the world is destroyed,
Even if there is hell to pay
Still, I will not give up,
Even though I die of my grief
Death is snow white,
When it comes from your hands, my rose
Because you are not here again,
I become hostile towards everyday
May the world stop,
May it never turn around without you
My God! May it never come through without you
Death is snow white,
When it comes from your hands, my rose
Because you are not here again,
I become hostile towards everyday
Commentaires pour la traduction
Because it's a poetic text, I care more about the meaning, instead of translating word by word.
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 1 Avril 2009 15:14