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134Traduction - Espagnol-Suédois - Quisiera algún día poder estudiar acá

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Catégorie Phrase

Quisiera algún día poder estudiar acá
Proposé par jorgepandoo
Langue de départ: Espagnol

Quisiera algún día poder estudiar acá.

jag önskar att jag kunde studera här en dag

Traduit par lilian canale
Langue d'arrivée: Suédois

jag önskar att jag kunde studera här en dag
Dernière édition ou validation par pias - 27 Mai 2008 20:42

Derniers messages


27 Mai 2008 15:54

Nombre de messages: 8113
Perfekt svenska Lilian!
Men..det måste ändå bli en omröstning, då jag ju inte förstår källtexten.

27 Mai 2008 15:58

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Thanks, Pia!

Would it be possible that I'm finally starting to learn some Swedish?

27 Mai 2008 16:04

Nombre de messages: 8113
Yes, you are on good way! (Not kidding.)

27 Mai 2008 16:46

Nombre de messages: 871
The phrase is fine, but "poder" is missing...

This would be: quisiera algun dia estudiar aca
If we add it in the swedish: jag skulle vilja kunna studera här en dag

That sounds a bit heavy already - but if it means, as I understand it, a possibility, that he could study, then it might be needed - or what do you think?

(and I am not voting anything this time because then I lose the translation - happened just last week and it was very annoying, I voted a quick no with only few words as comment, the box is so small and I was in a hurry - and when later in the evening came back to elaborate and make some was not there anymore)

27 Mai 2008 17:26

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi Maribel,

"quisiera poder" in Spanish is used like "me gustaría", it means "I wish I would study here someday", "I would like to study here someday".
I think it does not necessarily imply "be able to". But I may be wrong, of course, however as you said, the sentence sound too heavy if we add "kunna", I don't think it is needed, but Pia should know best.

27 Mai 2008 17:33

Nombre de messages: 8113
Ok, jag håller med om att "jag skulle vilja kunna .." låter lite konstigt även om man kan uttrycka det så. Ett alternativ för "kunna" kan kanske vara "ha möjlighet att..."

"jag skulle vilja ha möjlighet (möjligheten) att studera här en dag"

27 Mai 2008 17:35

Nombre de messages: 8113
Eller "jag önskar att jag kunde studera här en dag" Det låter nog ännu bättre.

27 Mai 2008 17:55

Nombre de messages: 8113
According to your bridge Lilian (I wish I would study here someday) I think that you shall edit to as I said above "jag önskar att jag kunde studera här en dag".

If that is the meaning of the source text.

27 Mai 2008 18:14

Nombre de messages: 871
I totally agree with Pias (at least that is the idea that I had in mind) - just the word "önska" did not come to my mind when writing my message, I was too interested in all those vilja kunna etc. They are the things I was taught at school long time ago and I know that they are sometimes too rigid, old etc formations > something more fluent would often be better.

27 Mai 2008 18:22

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
för bra att vara sant!
jag kommer att redigera.

27 Mai 2008 18:31

Nombre de messages: 8113
det svenska språket i din ursprungsöversättning var hur som helst perfekt. Häng inte läpp!

27 Mai 2008 19:22

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
OK Pia, I won't be sad. I just wonder when I will do a translation which doesn't need any edition!


27 Mai 2008 18:57

Nombre de messages: 8113
Ah, it will come! I'm sure.

Did you get that "häng inte läpp" , then your Swedish can't be that bad! I thought that I was a bit mean ... to use a not so ordinary expression. (hihi)

27 Mai 2008 19:23

Nombre de messages: 1180
poder estudiar acá = får studera här