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Traduction - Polonais-Anglais - Neurolog może cię wysłac na rezonans

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Catégorie Site web / Blog / Forum - Santé / Médecine

Neurolog może cię wysłac na rezonans
Proposé par Una Smith
Langue de départ: Polonais

> Neurolog może cię wysłac na rezonans/ -choćby z kuli tej szyszynki.../co
> to z nią właściwie miałeś?/ a psycholog [kliniczny] najwyżej na EEG zdaje
> się, choć i to zapewne coś wniosłoby ;)

- Co miałem z szyszynką? Teratoma maturum. Wycięli mi ją całą w cholerę i
coÅ› tam jeszcze innego pocharatali (przede wszytskim blaszki czworacze).
Commentaires pour la traduction
From Usenet, [url=]here[/url].

The neurologist may send you for a resonance scan

Traduit par Jimregan
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

> The neurologist may send you for a resonance scan/ -though from the ball of that pinial gland ../what
> exactly did you have with that?/ a [clinical] psychologist highly depends on an EEG, though that too can carry something certain ;)

- What did I have with the pinial gland? Teratoma maturum. They cut it out of me damn well completely and they lacerated something else
Commentaires pour la traduction
'z kuli' might mean something in a medical context, but I don't know what. 'kula' means sphere, ball, or globe. Also, I can't translate 'blaszki czworaczne' (but I can tell you that 'czworacze' is a spelling mistake) - 'przede wszystkim' means 'before everything'
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 19 Mai 2008 01:33

Derniers messages


18 Mai 2008 16:16

Nombre de messages: 73

I'm glad that someone was finally brave enough to try to translate this one, we'd been waiting for a long time.

szyszynka -> pinEal gland
I think that "what was wrong with it anyway?" and "what was wrong with my pineal gland?" would be much more natural and proper, what do you think?

According to Wikipedia, "blaszki czworacze" is spelled correctly. I've done some research on the net and found that blaszka czworacza = lamina quadrigemina = lamina of mesencephalic tectum

And of course, "przede wszystkim" means "first of all"/"above all". It's an idiomatic expression.
