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翻訳 - アルバニア語-英語 - I dashur Daje, Faleminderit per e-mail....

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: アルバニア語英語

カテゴリ 手紙 / 電子メール

I dashur Daje, Faleminderit per e-mail....
原稿の言語: アルバニア語

I dashur Daje,

Faleminderit per e-mail. Gezohem qe jeni the gjithe mire. Do pergatis nje CV ashtu si me sygjeron. Une nuk kam telefon ne dhomen time por mund te te jap telefonin qe perdor ne zyre (ne fakt eshte telefon qe perdorim per Lab ketu ne universitet), por po deshiron mund te me thuash nje ore te caktuar ne fundjave qe te shkoj atje dhe te flasim sepse do jem vetem dhe do kemi mundesi te flasim me gjate.

Me thuaj kur ke ti mundesi.

Ju perqafoj me mall

Dear Daje, thank you for the email ...

翻訳の言語: 英語

Beloved Daje,

Thank you for the email. I am glad you are well. I have prepared a CV as you suggested. I don't have a phone in my room but I can give you the phone I use at the office (in fact the phone used at the Lab is here at the university), but if you want to you can call me at an exact time on the weekend and I can go there to talk because we will be alone and can talk for some time.

Call me if you can.

Hug you yearning for you
supposed meaning: "... give you the number of the phone ..."
最終承認・編集者 IanMegill2 - 2007年 10月 17日 05:14