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翻译 - 英语-罗马尼亚语 - What are you doing? How are you? How's life...

本文可用以下语言: 英语巴西葡萄牙语阿拉伯语罗马尼亚语

讨论区 日常生活 - 日常生活

What are you doing? How are you? How's life...
源语言: 英语

What are you doing? How are you? How's life going? Have you taken your food? When did you sleep yesterday?
I am doing fine. Working in the office. Life is also going good but missing you. No, have to take it yet. I slept quite late yesterday that is around 3 'o' clock
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Ce faci?

翻译 Tzicu-Sem
目的语言: 罗马尼亚语

Ce faci? Cum îţi merge? Care e viaţa ta? Ai mâncat? La cât te-ai culcat ieri?
Eu sunt bine. Cu lucrul la birou. Lucrurile sunt bune, însă mi-e dor de tine. Nu, încă n-am mâncat. M-am culcat destul de târziu ieri, adică în jurul orei 3.
azitrad认可或编辑 - 2009年 九月 20日 12:12