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Traduction - Albanais-Anglais - Unë dhe ti jemi takuar, në kohë dhe vend të...

Etat courantTraduction
Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: AlbanaisAnglaisAllemand

Catégorie Discours - Amour / Amitié

Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification.
Unë dhe ti jemi takuar, në kohë dhe vend të...
Proposé par Anechka
Langue de départ: Albanais

Unë dhe ti jemi takuar,
në kohë dhe vend të gabuar,
sa u munduam të dy,
edhe malet i kishim shty.

Nuk të vë faj,as ty, as vetes,
janë thjesht grackat e jetës,
nuk i bën ballë njeri,
nuk i bëm ballë,as unë, as ti.

Pa fat,ishim në jetë dy udhëtar,
nuk e gjetëm yllin polar,
nuk e gjetëm kepin e shpresës.

Pa fat, mbetëm vetëm dy udhëtar,
pa albumin tonë familjar,
pa fotografinë e martesës.
Commentaires pour la traduction
This is an albanian song of Sinan Vlassaliu and Nora Istrefi 'Pa fat' (Without happiness)about love that ends with nothing.
It's about my life and that's why I love this song.

Punctuation added. Inulek

You and I have met in a wrong time and place...

Traduit par Inulek
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

You and I have met,
in the wrong time and place,
how much we both tried,
we even had moved the mountains.

I don't blame neither you, nor myself,
these are simply traps of life,
a man can't face them,
we can't face them, neither you, nor me.

Unluckily, we were two travellers through life,
we didn't find a pole-star,
we didn't find a cape of hope.

Unluckily, we stayed only as two travellers,
without our family album,
without a wedding picture.
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 11 Avril 2009 13:39